Tunis Sheep

Whenever I wonder if people read my blog, I find out they do! Regarding Tunis sheep: I don’t blame the entire breed for my bad experience — I do think it was the particular roving I had (purchased off of eBay*). I would certainly try Tunis wool again....

The cat bed….

….is (hopefully) felting in the washing machine as I type this. I used the Tunis sheep wool I’d spun (hated that wool, it was sticky and I think old and it was VERY DIFFICULT to spin), some of the brown Corriedale, various commercially spun wool odds and...

More plants! More! More!

Dave and I did another jaunt to Theodore Payne yesterday. We came home with more Heuchara, various sages, sagebrushes, and more. Hopefully we’ll get them in the ground today. The native plant garden tour is April 12/13 of next year. I’m hoping (more hope!)...


We got back home yesterday. Waiting for us was Meggie, Obi and Cali; we had to later pick up Rigel from the kennel and Cecie from the vet hospital (just boarding). And tons of mail, including Rowan 38, some books from Amazon and eBay, my new copy of Charles de...

Texas to Cozumel

We leave Sunday on vacation and of course Mom’s Angora isn’t done. The good news is I’m almost finished with the back and hope to have it done before we leave Sunday so I can just bring a bunch of yarn and start the front. Angora/wool knitting in...