This past weekend, in between the Superbowl 10k run (including about 1 mile to and from) and Mel’s Superbowl party I went to a free fruit tree and rose seminar at a local nursery that I’d actually never visited.
The seminar was awesome, focusing mostly on fruit trees (the main love of the speaker/teacher, Thomas) and what varieties to choose for our area and how to plant and prune them. Thomas was a wild man with the pruners. I ended up purchasing some more trees this week from that nursery, including one he’d pruned (I figure I can refer to it for reassurance when I get queasy about how much I’m pruning).
We’ll end up with five ‘clumps’ of multiple trees in one hole — the two figs, four apples (new ones are Anna and Beverly Hills), two peaches and two apricots (Gold Kist apricot and May Pride and Babcock peaches), four plums (Santa Rosa and Burgundy added), and four nectarines (Goldmine and one other whose name escapes me).
We’re planning on planting this weekend. Our bareroot trees arrived the other day as well. They are smaller than the majority of the trees in pots, so they’ll get planted south of the bigger trees (a tidbit I picked up at the seminar).