by StephCat | Aug 12, 2005 | Knitting, Pets, SCUBA, Travel
We leave Sunday on vacation and of course Mom’s Angora isn’t done. The good news is I’m almost finished with the back and hope to have it done before we leave Sunday so I can just bring a bunch of yarn and start the front. Angora/wool knitting in...
by StephCat | Aug 10, 2005 | Pets
We put Tonka to sleep yesterday. Turns out he was losing weight, not because of his chronic conditions, but because he’d developed kidney cancer. I’m heartbroken. At the same time, I’m glad, in a way, that is was something other than his IBD, because...
by StephCat | Apr 6, 2005 | Food & Wine, Knitting, SCUBA, Travel, Triathlon
I’ve been trying to complete my collection of Interweave Knits Magazine and was having a heck of a time getting the Spring 2004 issue. I’ve been watching it go for $20+ on eBay since it’s out of print and no longer available from Interweave Press. I...
by StephCat | Feb 24, 2005 | Pets
Tonka is doing better; not great, but better. He’s eating but has vomited once.
by StephCat | Feb 17, 2005 | Knitting, Pets
Well, my husband is sitting on the daybed in our office/guestroom, asking plaintively if he’s going to be mentioned in the blog, that he’s sick, too (and has been for the past couple days). My retort was that he’s not going to die from his cold, and...