Native Plants Round 2

Most of our native plants did make it through the summer. We’re still harvesting tomatoes and zucchini. And apparently we didn’t dig up the old roses as well as we thought, because some are coming up (I figure if they make it without water and fertilizer...

You can call me…..the tomato bunny.

As opposed to the Easter bunny. I left some Green Zebra on one of our neighbor’s front steps, and Dave was quick to say, ‘Look! It’s the Tomato Bunny!’ I’ve also been bringing them to work. One of the clinics greatly appreciates them. The...

Screens and windows

I’ve contacted a company who makes old-fashioned wood screens about making screens for our windows, as well as a company who restores old windows as well as custom building windows in the same style. The window person is coming out this Monday to do an estimate....

Fresh mozzarella, farmer’s market

Fresh mozzarella Originally uploaded by stephannie_t. CHEESE! I did find something new in Kingsolver’s book. I had no idea you can make cheese at home. I’ve bought and received the kit she recommended, and just tried it. It really was tremendously easy...