Well, this is the first blog I’ve ever done, so we’ll see how long I keep at it. Between work, SCUBA diving, various arts & crafts (knitting, stained glass, mosaics, painting), husband, pets, etc, time is short.
Works in progress include a knitted sweater for Rigel the dog, a DNA patterned cable scarf for myself, and a stained glass lampshade for our office/spare bedroom. Potential works include the infamous Rogue sweater, a sweater for my mom (the green sweater in Knitting on the Edge), pebble mosaic-ing the back porch, and additional lampshades. I also write fiction and nonfiction but not nearly as diligently as I should.
I’ll be playing with the colors etc on this blog; I know a little html, not enough to get fancy, but hopefully enough to get it how I want it.