My secret pal is absolutely incredible!
I just received a Halloween package including, in no particular order, 3 skeins of yarn in Halloween colors (Merino asparagus, Merino butternut, and Wool of the Andes carrot (BTW was the person naming these trying to get more veggies in their diet???)), a nifty little pumpkin bag, a cute Halloween card, a Milky Way (husband claimed that), a strawberry candy (already eaten by me), a pumpkin light thingy, Halloween stickers, and a gorgeous little journal (orange with sparkles). My secret pal is so creative and organized!
I know, gotta take a pic and post.
Oh, and sock progress: working down the foot, not yet doing toe decreases.
To clarify: I love the variegated yarn for socks, too. I couldn’t take the random variety in something as large as a sweater but I love it for little things like socks.
Thank you again!!!