I have two new works in progress: the Lady Eleanora socks, for which I’m using some lovely rose handpainted merino from Carol at Black Bunny Fibers, and Starmore’s Fern, for which I’m using some Jaeger Shetland Aran in a lovely green (purchased awhile ago from Jannette’s Rare Yarns on eBay).
I learned how to do a different cast-on for Lady Eleanora. The first bit of the sock, the section that has you folding over and picking up the provisionally cast-on stitches and knitting them together with the current stitch, is distinctly NOT perfect (to frog or not?) but I think I can live with it. The pattern is well-written with enough variety to keep things entertaining but not so difficult you can’t tell where you’re at.
With Fern, I’m starting with a sleeve to see if I like how the yarn knits up in pattern.
I received a very pretty Project Spectrum card from Allegra at Fiddlestix — pics of hers, and the others I’ve received, to follow!