I’ve started working on Dave’s Irish Moss again. I doubt I’ll meet all of my February goals but I do want to get at least one FO, however small.


If you think about it, scarves really aren’t that small. There are many, many stitches in a scarf, unless you’re using the bulkiest of yarns. Surface-area-wise I’m sure many scarves rival sweaters, if not exceed them. The Irish Moss panel I’m doing isn’t particularly difficult but I do still refer to the chart on the right side rows (wrong side you just knit what presents as knit stitches, and purl through the back loop the purls). So I’m just saying, it’s not as simple and quick as if seems like it should be.

So, here are the February goals again:

To finish: Dave’s Irish Moss Scarf, Eyelet Cardi. Again, I’d like to finish the scarf, and will adjust the Eyelet Cardi goal to finishing the body.

To make a significant amount of progress on Herbstlied. What do I consider significant? Anything over finishing the back. Heck, at this point I’d like to finish my swatch, adjust the sweater design as needed to fit my desired size and the gauge I’m obtaining (i.e. decide how many extra stitches are needed and where to put them) and get even a small portion of the back done.