Agh. No recipes of my own to share, though I did make the Cauliflower Gratin from TK’s
Bouchon last week, served with some bison burgers. I used half & half rather than heavy cream; it was delicious. I am going to make his quiche today (making the full amount of dough for the crust). Roasted half a chicken (from the farmer’s market) with some rosemary, onion, garlic, salt & pepper, olive oil & Yukon potatoes for supper last night (arugula and strawberry salad to start). None of that was from a recipe, just tossed together.
Cherries, peaches and apricots are now at the Farmers Market. I love stone fruit — sweet, slightly tart, juicy peachy yellow peaches are, I think, my favorite fruit. We do have a few peaches and nectarines growing on our own fruit trees (and plums!). I’ve not seen any apricots yet but the trees are very leafy.
Went running with Mel & Tina this morning — Rigel was ecstatic to see two of his women and was nearly overcome with bliss. One of the many wonderful things about dogs is how little it takes to make them happy.
I need to come up with a training plan for the October trail run; it helps me to have something on paper. (What works best for me is having a coach to whom I’m answerable, but that’s not going to happen at this point. Unless someone out there is a coach who wants to barter their services for handknits.)
I’m finished with one of the TNNA swatches, nearly finished with the second. I’d like to get them in the mail before June 1st.
The twisted stitch mitten prototype is done; I was considering submitting it to a magazine but am still undecided. I’ve heard back on some of the other proposals I’ve done, with positive feedback (yay!). I’ll post updates as I can.