Okay, so here’s a list culled from the comments (and one tossed in their that I want to review, anyways):
- Handknit Holidays: Knitting Year-Round for Christmas, Hanukkah and Solstice
- Sock Innovation
- Crazy Lace (not yet available anywhere close)
- Book of Yarn
- Judy Becker’s new book when it comes out in the fall
- Cookie A.’s new book when it comes out in the fall
- Think Outside the Sox (not yet available anywhere close)
- Making Mathematics with Needlework; Ten Papers and Ten Projects (available at library, placed hold)
- Power Cables (not yet available anywhere close)
- The new Knitter’s Almanac that’s coming out for EZ’s 100th birthday
- Knitting 24/7 (hmmm…available at the Torrance library….never been there & it’s very close (couple miles away)…ugh…checked the online catalog, the book is checked out & they charge $.75 to place a hold. That sucks. Nowhere else charges for holds. If you don’t pick it up, yes, most will ding you, which I think is fair. But to charge for placing a hold?)
- Aran Lace
I have Sock Innovation, Handknit Holidays, Book of Yarn, and Aran Lace. The rest I’ll have to get from one of my local libraries when & if they’re available. WorldCat, if you use libraries, is very nifty to see which libraries do have copies.
I’ve been enjoying all the TNNA updates from various bloggers (and of course Jess & Casey’s HelloTNNA site). Someone (sorry, scanned a bunch of blogs this a.m., can’t remember who, will update if I find out) noted lots of cables, lace, etc in the fashion show: very happy to hear that!
I’m hoping to get the Twisted Mitts pattern out today or tomorrow;Â I now have feedback from all my testers.