The Fall 2010 Knitcircus is up! I think it’s an amazing issue, full of wonderful patterns and interesting, useful articles.
I’m thrilled to have two patterns in this issue, Beachcomber and De-Lovely.
Beachcomber (aka Haw, aka the Emergency Vest) — isn’t the model cute as a button? Thank you to Marilyn at Black Water Abbey who came through with the gorgeous yarn on very, very short notice. And thank you to Annie Maloney, who wrote the Aran Lace stitch dictionary from whence the inspiration came!
And De-Lovely! I love the pics they took, especially the one with the marshmallows. The yarn for these is a scrumptious MCN from Sun Valley Fibers. Lovely stuff; I hope to work with more colorways of that in the future.
Tomorrow I’m hosting a giveaway here on the blog for 3 pattern collection downloads and a lovely skein of Handwerks yarn (pic to follow). Furthermore, I’ll be hosting a giveaway of at least one pattern collection download at my Rav group for members.