Well, the mitts are on their way to Luxembourg. I finished up the short raven article to accompany the mitten pattern.  I’m almost done with the October AKD newsletter (supposed to be released by the 10th) and am waiting on one last thing from someone.

I’m still working on the Pippin vest and hope to finish it today.  I’ve been slammed by a rotten cold (feeling a bit woozy as I type this) and have been feeling like crap the last couple days, stuffed up and a bit feverish on & off (including feverish nightmares of working on the mitts and the stitches not matching the charts).  Dave was sick at the beginning of the week, and though I don’t usually catch whatever he brings home from the petri dish aka high school, this time I did.  Good news is I wrote most of the pattern up ahead of time, with all the charts, etc.  And knitting on the couch doesn’t require a heck of a lot of energy.

I’ve swatched a bit for the Jack sweater and will get going gangbusters on it tomorrow.  Need I say the yarn is just gorgeous?  A vivid variegated green for the body and a lovely softly variegated latte color for the contrasting ruffles.


Not surprisingly we’re not doing the Pt Magu trail run today (I think I’d blogged about this;  it’s a fun event). Even as late as last night, I was hoping I’d feel better, better enough to at least hike it.  No such luck.


Look for another indie dyer interview in the next few days!  I roped in Gwen, from Craft’s Meow, to answer the slew of questions. What I love about these interviews is the passion and excitement that comes through in their words.  I hope you enjoy it.


*DIPs= designs in progress.  Yes, I made that up.  Goofy but it appeals.