One of the neat things about blogging (or journaling, of course) is the chance to look back at those little snippets & see what you were thinking.  And of course, New Year’s is the traditional time to both review the past and clarify thoughts about the future.

I’ve noted before I’m not one for making a lot of resolutions.  I prefer to consider goals.  So how did I do with last year’s?


Knit other people’s designs:  Failed miserably.  But I had a very, very good reason:  THE BOOK.  (Actually the book is my excuse reason for not meeting any goals I didn’t meet.)

Spin more:  Meh.  I did get a trindle, though, which I pick up and play with occasionally.  And I did get my merino fleeces processed (which I noted was something that I ought to do).

Learn to weave:  Meh.  I gave away the Beast and found a used Wolf pup.  That’s about the extent of my progress.

Designing:  I didn’t make any goals re: the number of designs I wanted to publish, except for noting I wanted to do a bunch and still have time, to, um, learn to weave, make time to spin, and knit other people’s designs.

Create more stranded designs:  Hey!  This I *did* do.  The Quatrefoil mitts, the Fringe Socks, the Stairsteps Tam, the Stairsteps mitts, and the Ravens in Snow mitts are all stranded.  The Peacock Cowl even includes a bit of stranding.

But I still haven’t steeked.  I should just do up a swatch & do it.  The most recent episode of Knitting Daily had steeking.  Piece o’cake.

Stashbusting:  Well, the overall personal stash has stayed about the same.  I purchased a few special skeins this year, and have given away some.  Since I do receive yarn support (thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone who supported me & my designs this way!*) and all I’ve been knitting is my own new designs, I’ve not really had the chance to do much with my personal stash.  (Weaving, I think, would greatly help with this.  Spinning, of course, will not.)

I may do a destash on the blog soon.  I have some perfectly lovely yarn I know I won’t use.

Blogging:  Publish more book reviews & interviews.  This I’ve done!  I really enjoying doing these.

*Thank you (in alphabetical order) to Bijou Basin, Black Water Abbey, Blue Sky Alpacas, Dragonfly Fibers, Elemental Affects, Hazel Knits, Impulse of Delight, Jamieson’s Shetland, Knit Picks, Little Red Bicycle, Mackintosh Yarns, MadelineTosh, Sanguine Gryphon, Shibui Knits, Stricken Smitten, & the Woolen Rabbit for providing yarn support this year!

Non-knitting stuff

Explore more of our local parks and beaches:  Did so-so on this.  Lots of room for improvement.  What I *should* do is get more concrete with this — i.e. do a bit of research & actually schedule monthly hikes.

Runagogo challenge on Ravelry (covering 100 miles every 3 mon):  The first 3 months went ok with 91.75 miles, the second much better with 138.35 miles, but then by summertime I started having asthma issues, so I bowed out of this.

Make bread from scratch: Didn’t do.  Still on the list.

Cook dried beans so they get tender:  Didn’t do.

Learn how to can: Um, didn’t do.

Learn how to sew: This I’m doing!  We got a new sewing machine that works like a dream, and I signed up for the Sewing Studio class via Craftsy that I’ve already used to learn how to make envelope pillows.  I made my friend Mel pillows for Christmas (with Steelers fabric appliques) using the steps in the class.

The next post I’ll look at what I did actually accomplish during 2011.  The big learning point is, of course, no matter how well you think you may plan….things can radically change.

How did you do with your goals?