California Revival Knits is at the printer!  A couple last minute small bits of errata were found and corrected before the printer started.  You should all have the updated PDF, if you’ve preordered the hard copy or simply purchased the PDF.

Junie, who was so kind to let me interview her about her gorgeous real life peacocks on the last blog post, has started (and nearly finished!) her pair of Peacock Mitts.  Check out her progress here in the Rav group and on her project page.  She did a gorgeous job…and is super fast to boot.

The Wrought Mitts are slated to be the first KAL.  I’ll be running the KALs on my Sunset Cat Ravelry group.   Remember I used that gorgeous BFL/silk blend from Stricken Smitten — check out her store or drop her a note if you’re looking for the same yarn.  The KAL will officially start mid June.  I’ll post here and on Ravelry with more details when it’s closer to time.

The CRK blog tour continues!  Check out this post for dates & locations (or just scroll down to the end of this post) — a couple have changed &/or been added.  Some tour stops will be hosting giveaways (yay!).

Hitch:  All the acceptances have been sent out!  There were so many lovely designs that there will be TWO, yes TWO volumes.  I can’t wait til you guys get to see the designs and the yarns that are in these books.  Just gorgeous.

Of course, I’m continuing to work on my own design projects.  And tech editing.  I’m forcing myself to start saying no to things — to more projects, and even, for the time being, any more tech editing.  I need to finish up what I have now and not take on any more tech editing for a while, at least until I can get caught up on my own designing.  It’s good to be busy, though!

TNNA is in about a month and a half, and I’m already so excited.  Cooperative Press will have a booth — if I’m not there, find me wandering the floor.

I’m also planning on being at Stitches Midwest.  If you live in the area, and would like your LYS to host a book signing & meet & greet with me around that time period, let them know to contact me!  (I’m also available for classes.)


Blog Tour Stops

4/9: Yarn on the House
4/25: Go Knit In your Hat
4/30: YarnAGoGo
4/30: A Smaller Life
5/2: Ramblings
5/7: More Yarn Will Do The Trick
5/11: Feralknitter
5/16: Knitting at Large
5/18:  Rachel Erin
5/22: Sheep to Shawl
5/23: Knitting With Sandra Singh
5/24: Wise Hilda Knits
6/8: Knitting to Stay Sane

And…check out these videopodcasts….they’re tons of fun!

5/2:  Knit 1, ♡ Too
TBD  The Knit Girllls