Wow. I just did a search of my own posts about goals (some posts addressed yearly goals, others were monthly).
It was rather interesting (to me, at least!) to see how they’ve changed over the years — not just the designing goals, but the the non-designing goals.
For example, I used to want to learn how to spin.  I still think it would be a nifty thing to do — the times I did sit and spin, it was very relaxing.  However, I found I never did really make the time to do it. I finally gave in and sold my spinning wheel last year. It doesn’t mean I won’t someday do it — I still have my Trindle! — but it’s so low of a priority I don’t want even the paraphernalia of spinning (the large wheel, the bins of fiber) to clutter our small house.
I also would still like to learn to weave someday, but the Wolf Pup, a small loom that I bought in Idyllwild, also found a new home a couple years ago.
(Do you blog? or journal? and do you make goals or resolutions that you write down or can otherwise review? Take a peek at the last 5 years or so and see what’s changed.)
I think this post is especially good in addressing what makes a goal workable.
Here’s the meat of it:
Goals need to be quite specific to actually be workable. For a successful goal you need to:
- Be specific.
- Identify measurable, attainable steps.
- Set a timeline.
- Periodically reassess (more than just yearly) & update
2016 General Goal: Sewing
I know that I’ve stated before I want to learn how to sew and actually applied most of the above steps to thinking about and planning that goal.  However, I’ve not really followed through.  The only sewing project I’ve done is some pillows for my friend Mel, via the Sewing Studio Craftsy class. The pillows came out great; she loved the gift and they’ve been in use nonstop since I gave them to her.  Success!
However, before I start identifying specific sewing goals for 2016, I think there is one more question that is critical to determining my future success:
Why do I specifically want to learn to sew?
I’ll talk about that in the next post!