So far training this week has gone well overall.

Running (well, run/walking, alternate a la Galloway) on Monday and today, biking yesterday (going SO well until my rear tire flat that we couldn’t patch), gym planned for tomorrow, long bike Saturday, long run/walk Sunday. I’m trying to figure out a training schedule incorporating periodization to prep for the Malibu Tri and the Galloway suggested half marathon training mileage in readiness for the Long Beach Half Marathon.

I’m starting swim lessons/class the end of June, meeting twice a week. I’m a strong swimmer compared to people who don’t swim a lot (for example I did fairly well during ADP when we had to do lap swims) but I suck when swimming in a Master’s group. I’m comfortable in the ocean, including entrance/exits (thanks to lots of practice while bodyboarding and shore diving — nothing like trying to force you AND all your SCUBA gear past the surf). Anyway, I’m hoping the class will help improve my stroke & technique so I’m not the slowest swimmer in a Master’s group!

Tri for Life is on the 26th of this month, in Ventura. Dave & I are going up Saturday and staying at a bed & breakfast in Ventura Saturday night, I’m ‘racing’ Sunday, we’re coming back that afternoon. Rigel gets to board at Redwood Animal Hospital from Saturday-Monday.