Yesterday Dave and I went for a good ride — medium (distance) slow (pace) easy (intensity) for him (he says he didn’t even break a sweat), long medium medium/hard for me (longest ride I’ve done since I biked in Italy after gettting out of the Army in ’93). Okay, so it was only 24 or 25 miles, in a little under 2 hours. But still, considering that my previous longest ride this season was only 16 miles or so, I thought pretty good. And I wasn’t completely wiped by the experience like I was say a month or two ago. I was starving, however, afterwards — had only had some oatmeal for breakfast and ate one ClifShot (mmmmmm….Chocolate!) midway through.
This morning I did 4.5 miles run/walking, about 12-12:30 pace. Uncrowded, cool weather, good! I’m overall more fatigued at this moment than after the bike yesterday but not hungry (duration of exercise just wasn’t that long).
I’m also planning on practicing surf entries/exits…..well, in between bodyboarding!