We flaked Saturday a.m. — didn’t do ANY of the races. However, Sunday, we did a nice 50+min bike ride followed by a short 25min run. As per normal I was tired (but in a good way) the rest of the day. It’s the first real brick workout I’ve done in who only knows how long.
We parked at the Hermosa Beach Police Station, road down Valley to 190th, then to Hermosa Ave (note: 190th to Hermosa was part of the Tour de California route, as were some of the other streets we rode on. Great for my mental imagery — Whoo! look at her break away from the pelaton! yeah, whatever) then by Redondo Pier through the parking structure then to the end of the Strand at RAT beach. Up the ramp to the parking lot near Esplanade, back on Esplanade (some slight elevation gains, enough to slow me down a little), then to Catalina, then Gertruda, back to Valley. I worked on a) playing w/ my aero bars b) bike handling c) maintaining up slight hills. Oh, and speed on the flats.
I’ve noticed my average speed is up a bit — yeah!
My legs, even after that short ride, did NOT want to run. I still take walk breaks occasionally, but I ran (as directed by my training schedule) what I would consider a zone 3/ race pace, and basically only took the walk breaks I’d planned on taking (and basically long enough to get my heart rate down to a more normal level).
Overall a good workout. Swimming and maybe a bike ride or a spin class (it’s supposed to rain, and of course us Southern Californians only get wet by going in the ocean) are on the books for today — also maybe a quick upper body lifting session before the swim.
Thursday we leave for Yosemite — there’s a vet conference I go to every spring there, it’s great — lectures in the a.m., hiking in the p.m. Dave brings a lot of grading to catch up on while I’m at the conference. However, it’s supposed to snow this year, so we’ll be limiting to hikes and runs on the Valley floor if it does.