The past five months have been relatively light, vet work-wise. That ended last week when, after a couple phone calls and emails, I ended up overbooking my summer — which is fine, more money for yarn and (hate to admit it, but more importantly), triathlon toys. (And of course savings and paying off our home equity line of credit…) Other good thing, Dave will be teaching summer school, which, although it isn’t as nice as him taking the whole summer off, means he gets off early enough to take care of most of the house chores, food shopping, etc.
Work easy, play hard this past winter and spring (think Wildflower and Alcatraz and mile long ocean swims — see my tri blog for details); work hard, play hard this summer — Yosemite hiking trip the end of June; training for Malibu, a century bike ride in Solvang, and all the other upcoming fall races; and so on.
Any time for knitting? we’ll see….I’m tentatively planning some Christmas gifts and want to get started soon (will alternate between current WIPs and those, of course, in the best manner of process knitting and procrastination and fickleness).