Things in our house that are environmentally good choices:
- Compact fluorescent bulbs 90%
- One TV
- ~930 sq feet for the two of us
- Recent furniture purchases: antiques from Craig’s List (bookcase, dining table, chairs, antique stove, Hoosier cabinet), garage sale (small wooden desk that’s on our front porch), local antique store (bookcase).
- Used our old linens til tearing, replaced w/ ones made of organic cotton
- Frequent shopping at the local farmer’s market
- Choosing certified organic products
- Choosing meat from humanely raised animals
- Not eating meat daily
- Planned garden to include fruit trees, vegetable and herb beds, and native plants as opposed to lawn
No so green:
- Oak floor installed in kitchen and kitchen nook
- Purchasing a new TV (wall-mounted LCD) (the new TV will be passed on to friends, rather than dumped)
- Dave’s XTerra
- My Subaru
- Eating meat as often as we do
- Not bicycling as often as we should for transportation
- Enjoying our central heat (our old house didn’t have it) (though we keep it at 68 or lower)
I’ll add more to both categories as I think of them.