Book Review (Non-Knitting): The Water-Saving Garden

I have a special interest in drought-tolerant gardens. Our entire front yard (and minuscule side/backyard) is full of California native plants, all of them drought tolerant.  One of the first things we did when we bought our current house was to have the lawn ripped...

Mid-August update and WIPs (DIPs?)

We got back home from a great visit with my parents in Austin this past Monday. Awaiting me was soft, sunny yarn (Melange in a new color, Saffron) from Blue Sky Alpacas for a sweater for the Winter Knitcircus; gorgeous soft alpaca/merino/silk from Spirit Trail...

Workshop later this week! Emily progress.

I’m getting excited about the Madrona mitten workshop. I leave Thursday morning, come back Monday evening. I’m in the midst of the lace & intarsia  part of Emily.  Luckily I was able to use the same size needle for both parts, unlike I originally...

31 Tomatoes

I just picked 31 tomatoes off the Cherokee Purple plant.   I’m amazed at how prolific this thing is.  We’re not doing anything special to it.  Shoot, we’re not even watering it really. There’s only so much caprese salad you can eat. Perhaps...

End of the Week

I don’t know where the last week went. (Well, I do;  it was spent either sitting on the couch knitting or in front of the computer working on charts, schematics, and spreadsheets.) Work continues on the vest (and that’s all I’m saying regarding it)....