by StephCat | May 31, 2010 | Food & Wine, Knitting, Yard & Garden
Loved seeing this article. As I’ve discussed before, cables and such are my favorite things to knit (and now design). It’s great to see they’re now (again?) considered very fashion forward. I made a batch of hot dog buns (my first batch ever!)...
by StephCat | May 18, 2010 | Yard & Garden
It’s raining. Yes, it most parts of the country, not that unusual of an event, but it’s not typical of our weather patterns in Los Angeles. Not that I’m complaining, too much; the plants are loving it. I don’t have to water the garage...
by StephCat | Apr 19, 2010 | Knitting, Yard & Garden
This past week I’ve been feverishly learning about the The Thesis Theme for WordPress. Let me know what you think of the new look! I’m still updating the content, getting in all the pattern info etc. The cats are earning their keep — I realized...
by StephCat | Mar 25, 2010 | Yard & Garden
If either Dave or I are out front working in the garden, people generally stop to talk to us about it — how pretty it is, how much they’ve enjoyed seeing it develop (and how much trepidation they initially felt), how interesting it is. I was really pretty...
by StephCat | Feb 24, 2010 | Yard & Garden
…not happening for us this year. I just found out this afternoon. I’m a little bummed, but at the same time, a little relieved; we were worried, with how much everything is flowering now, that we would be peaking too early. Anyways, we have a couple...
by StephCat | Jan 28, 2010 | Knitting, Yard & Garden
One down! I’m using KnitPicks City Tweed HW and just loving it; it’s incredibly soft & luscious to work with. This is a very quick knit; the cable patterns are easy to memorize (with the exception of the heart heel flap, which is nonetheless...