Agh. I’ve been horribly procrastinating about really getting back into the habit of running again. So I’m going to do Couch to 5k. I’ve uploaded the workouts to my calendar (something that seems to help or at least induces guilt if I don’t adhere to it). It starts off very slow and is actually a bit less than what I was doing (albeit doing sporadically), but in my mind the key is the ability to (re)form the habit.
Anyone want to join me?
Sigh….I’ll resort to bribery. I’ll set up a thread in the Ravelry group with all the details. Anyone who completes the program with me gets their choice of three of my individual patterns available as Ravelry downloads.
The program will end, if we officially start next week), the week of Christmas. What better holiday gift to yourself (and your loved ones) but improved health?