First off I want to say I’m really enjoying reading your comments re: goals/resolutions for 2011. I’d be replying to each but I don’t want to dilute the comments for when I do the whole thing. It’s not too late to enter the contest here!
I don’t have any particular resolutions myself.
I do have vague goals, which I plan on solidifying through this post.
A big one is trying to find time to knit some patterns other than my own in-progress designs. I really, really love Collins. I have plenty of stash yarn to choose from that would be great for it.
I also want to try to spin more. I have some unprocessed fleeces I should just send off to be made into roving. The hardest part of washing the fleeces for me is drying them. I still don’t have a good system for that.
I want to learn how to weave. I adopted The Beast this last year, of which I ought to get some pics. It needs a lot of work. It is also huge, and will probably reside in the cat room once we put it together & refurbish it. In the meantime I think I ought to find something smaller, perhaps something tabletop. Periodically I check Craigslist.
I don’t really want to set any goals re: the number of designs I’ll do this next year. Since December 2009 I’ve published 25 designs. I have a few finished that are still awaiting publication. If anything, my main design goal would be streamlining my processes so that I can still design that much and accomplish the three preceding goals.
I would like to do more stranded designs. I have a nice stash of J&S (isn’t that a great sheep pic on their homepage?) and Jamieson’s, with a little Campion and Elemental Affects tossed in.
I’m a little embarrassed to admit I’ve not yet steeked. I’m not particularly worried about it, I’ve just not done a project that required it. Given my preference for knitting over purling, I expect I will be chortling with delight once I master it.
Between receiving yarn support (thank you, thank you, thank you) and using stash yarn (and not browsing the Ravelry destash group) I’ve managed to decrease my yarn purchases to just a few special skeins this past year. I’d like to continue that trend. It’s partially a storage issue, partially a decreasing purchases issue. (Analogy: I’ve always been a big library user, but my library use has gone up and my book purchases gone down. There are only so many bookcases you can fit in one 900 square foot house. There needs to be room for yarn, after all.)
Regarding blogging, I’d like to do more book reviews and interviews. I still have the interview with Patti of Sweet Grass Wool to transcribe & publish.
I have other nonknitting, nonfiber related goals as well — I’ll make those another post. This one is long enough!
Best of luck for all of your resolutions, goals, and intentions!