by StephCat | Mar 17, 2009 | Yard & Garden
April 2008: March 2009: April 2008: March 2009: April 2008: March 2009: April 2008 March 2009 I’ll try to get some pics this week from the same angles as in 2008 for better comparison.
by StephCat | Mar 16, 2009 | Knitting
Took these pics yesterday. The poppies get a lot of comments. More pics here.
by StephCat | Apr 9, 2008 | Yard & Garden
Apple Tree Bed Festuca idahoensis “Stony Creek†Malacothamnus fasciculatus chaparral mallow Penstemon heterophyllus Margarita BOP Erigonum parvifolium Verbena gooddingii Mojave verbena Achillea millifolium (dark pink flowers) Plum/nectarine Bed Achillea...
by StephCat | Apr 5, 2008 | Yard & Garden
….new pics of the front yard to be posted soon. Dave and our friend Mike have made considerable progress on rebuilding the trellises, fixing the wood and stucco around the windows that was damaged by water due to the construction of the previous trellises, and...
by StephCat | Feb 15, 2008 | Yard & Garden
Ceanothus Originally uploaded by stephannie_t. Verbena Originally uploaded by stephannie_t. Leptodactylon — Prickly Phlox Originally uploaded by stephannie_t. .