Though I can’t post many details about what I’ve been working on, there has been a lot of designing and knitting going on!
I’m still at work on the twisted stitch cowl. Â Have I said how much I love Serenity Worsted? Â It’s like buttah in your hands. Â (In a good, non greasy way.)
I’ve also cast on & am about 4-5″ into the back for a sweater for the next book. Â Every time I see Sabrina from Anzula I’ve sworn the sweater with her yarn will be next big thing I’ll be working on for the next book, and every time other deadlines come up. Â Finally I’ve started it! Â The main portion of the sweater is in Oasis, with details in Breeze. Â Bottom up, in pieces, with set in sleeves worked topped down post-seaming.
My goal is to have both the sweater and the cowl completed before TNNA (so I can bring them along  and show them to Roxanne & Neville and Sabrina).  I’m also planning on having some swatches done for some other projects, again to present to the respective yarn companies.
I did  just finish a hat for the next book, with Bijou BasinBijou Bliss.  This hat went through two or three incarnations involving copious frogging before I settled on the (much simpler but oh so lovely) final version.
I also finished a big secret project, which winged its way across the country last week.
As noted before, I’m teaching in Taos this fall! Â Click here and here for info on my classes. I’m also thinking of doing some LYS appearances.
Update still in the works. Tech editing, Hitch, designing, etc has taken priority.
Tech Editing
Tech editing-wise, I’m still not accepting new clients, and don’t know when I will be.  I’ll post on the tech editing page when I am.
Vet work is picking up, which is good both monetarily and professionally.
I’ve started (am in Week 4) of the Zombies Run 5k training. Â See my progress here.
I also have very sad news about Obi. Â He passed away last week. Â It’s still too raw for me to do a blog post about him — I’m getting teary-eyed just typing this. Â He’d been sick the last couple years, but really crashed last week. Â A vet friend at a local clinic euthanized him for me while I petted him. Â We’ll be getting his ashes back.