2008 Knitting and Spinning Goals

Knit from either current stash or what I spin (using my current fleece stash). If you’re on Ravelry you can check out my stash (I do have most of it cataloged). There’s no need for me to purchase new yarn this year (especially considering I have 20 skeins...


Lady Eleanor, unblocked and without fringe — just did the last tier of triangles this evening. Curtis’s scarf (modification of the Irish Hiking Scarf, in Handpainted Yarn’s Merino (same company that does Malabrigo). Felted laptop sleeve, open and...

Messenger bag done, Irish hiking scarf done

I finished felting the bag — the thing I remember I don’t like about felting is the brilliance of the colors becomes muted. But it came out well over all, a nice dense fabric that should baby my laptop when needed. So far I haven’t had time to decide...

Goals: Irish Hiking Scarf and Lady E

This week’s knitting goal: finish Curtis’ scarf. Another couple of nights of knitting while movie watching should do it; it’s at least 60-70% done. This weekend and next week: tackle Lady Eleanor. Then I will go back to new things. I indulged myself...

Lady Eleanor, frogging vs UFOs

I picked up Lady Eleanor yesterday — I have 6 more tiers before I do the fringe. Getting there! I’m thinking of putting forth a concerted effort to get it done (GASP) over the next couple days. I’ve decided to frog the Jaywalker sock I began —...