hot hot hot

Hot in Austin. HOT in Cozumel. HOT HOT HOT in Austin. We spent a couple days with my parents in Austin before flying to Cozumel, then seven days in Cozumel (great diving, will be posting to my scuba blog details on the trip, not limited just to scuba, but the...

Texas to Cozumel

We leave Sunday on vacation and of course Mom’s Angora isn’t done. The good news is I’m almost finished with the back and hope to have it done before we leave Sunday so I can just bring a bunch of yarn and start the front. Angora/wool knitting in...

BAD Steph! BAD!

Okay, you know how I said I have to finish a) Colinette Perugino throw; b) PinUp Girl sweater; c) Mom’s angora from Knitting on the Edge? In that order? (Not to mention the DNA cable scarf or Dave’s cable scarf.) And how I just got my Persian tile kit in...

Pinup Progress

Finished the back portion of Pinup Girl yesterday, started on the front. The front should be more interesting because that’s where all the short rows etc for shaping are, and I haven’t done that yet. Looks like Cozumel instead of Dominica for August, based...