Tuesday To Do: A Typical Design Day

Today should (famous last words) look like this…. Early early a.m.:  catch up on blogs, Ravelry, check Hip Chat with Knitcircus, etc.  Write this blog post. Walk dog — we’re going to do a nice walk this a.m, two miles or so, down on the Strand.  I...

Escondido Falls Hike (and quick wading at Leo Carrillo)

Yesterday Dave, I and Rigel hiked to Escondido Falls.  It’s one of the few areas that allows dogs so we figured Rigel would like the adventure.  To his great delight he discovered lizards, how to get incredibly muddy crossing streams, and how to scramble and...

April and May Goals etc

Gotta love Ravelry. Someone ‘favorited’ my felted cat bed. Given I have no picture of the knitted and felted item in question…..I’m assuming they find my cats adorable. Goals I feel like I could just re-post the March April goals, including the...

Darth Rigel

Rigel is an English Cocker Spaniel. He is small, about 30#, and short. He is sweet and loving. He has, however, been seduced by the Dark Side yet once again. Notice the evil glowing green color of his eyes. *** Dave bought a baker’s dozen of bagels Sunday...

The cats don’t care….

….that indeedy the Tunis wool DIDN’T felt that well, that in trying to make it felt I felted the hell out of the rest of the bed, and that is therefore really only one or two cats’ worth of bed, not three: after staring at it suspiciously for awhile...