Finished Mom’s Angora! Yep, pushed it all the way to the end. She loves it though. Rosemary (my mom-in-law) loved her scarf, too. Next BIG priority is finishing the Colinette throw for my friend Traci & her husband Doug. That one is not quite a year overdue....

Running out of yarn….

Progress continues on Mom’s Angora. The front & back are finished and both sleeves are started (actually, the lace edging on both is done & I’m up to doing the stockinette). Yes, I know I only have a few more days (we leave for Texas on the 23rd)....

More progress!

I made a ton of progress on Mom’s Angora — that’s what knitting for 5 hours on a Sunday afternoon will do for you! Considering that she wants short sleeves, and I’m about 1/3 or more done with the front, the end is getting tantalizingly closer....

Texas to Cozumel

We leave Sunday on vacation and of course Mom’s Angora isn’t done. The good news is I’m almost finished with the back and hope to have it done before we leave Sunday so I can just bring a bunch of yarn and start the front. Angora/wool knitting in...

Mom’s Angora

Progressing again! I’m shaping the armholes on the back, so I’m almost done with the back. Mom wants shorter sleeves so the sleeves should go quickly (or at least quicker) than normal. I shouldn’t whine but it’s been hot (for us) and fuzzy...