by StephCat | Dec 20, 2005 | SCUBA, Travel
Now it looks like Fiji is definitely an option. Truth to tell it’s easier to get to the South Pacific for us than to the Caribbean. Check out Maruva Plantation Resort and Swiss Fiji Divers. Both favorably reviewed in Undercurrent (my dive travel bible of...
by StephCat | Dec 18, 2005 | SCUBA, Travel, Triathlon
Vacation. Not Christmas vacation, of which 3 days will be spent with my parents outside Austin, TX, and 3 days with my in-laws in Geneva, IL; but SPRING BREAK. We’re trying to decide what to do for spring break. Options include a dive trip to the Caymans...
by StephCat | Aug 26, 2005 | SCUBA, Travel
Hot in Austin. HOT in Cozumel. HOT HOT HOT in Austin. We spent a couple days with my parents in Austin before flying to Cozumel, then seven days in Cozumel (great diving, will be posting to my scuba blog details on the trip, not limited just to scuba, but the...
by StephCat | Aug 12, 2005 | Knitting, Pets, SCUBA, Travel
We leave Sunday on vacation and of course Mom’s Angora isn’t done. The good news is I’m almost finished with the back and hope to have it done before we leave Sunday so I can just bring a bunch of yarn and start the front. Angora/wool knitting in...
by StephCat | May 23, 2005 | Food & Wine, Knitting, SCUBA
The Scuba Show was good — Dave and I whipped through it quickly but I did get to see some old friends from the LA County Advanced Diver Program. I also confused the hell out of a lot of people who’d been speakers from our class last year — “Hi!...
by StephCat | Apr 20, 2005 | Knitting, SCUBA, Travel
Okay, you know how I said I have to finish a) Colinette Perugino throw; b) PinUp Girl sweater; c) Mom’s angora from Knitting on the Edge? In that order? (Not to mention the DNA cable scarf or Dave’s cable scarf.) And how I just got my Persian tile kit in...